Coring service
Coring service includes:
- Development of a work plan, including the selection of the most optimal tool for specific technical, technological and geological conditions of the customer.
- Delivery of equipment (core barrels with spare parts, core bits, fiberglass core tubes, core boxes) to the work site or the customer's base point (in conditions of autonomy or other restrictions on road traffic).
- Object tracking by highly qualified engineers who have office equipment and the necessary software at their disposal.
- Technological management of work during coring at the object.
- Preparation of core recovery report.
- Delivery of the recovered core to research centers (if necessary).
The positive dynamics of the volume of service support is a clear evidence of the quality and efficiency of coring by our specialists.
What the customer receives when using the Service:
- No need to purchase coring tools.
- No risks associated with unskilled tool operation.
- Accurate planning of costs for coring (service) for the well.
- Training of the customer's personnel to work effectively with the tool.
“BURINTEKH”, Ltd renders integrated services at the facilities of “Yamal Drilling” LLC, supplies chemicals for remedial cementing. Well-coordinated work made it possible to achieve high technical and economic indicators of well construction.
For the first time at the facilities of NSH ASIA DRILLING LLC, SK-136/80 "TRIAS" core barrel produced by “BURINTEKH”, Ltd was successfully used.
Feedback from LLC BSK GRAND on the work of “BURINTEKH”, Ltd: high results were achieved in terms of ROP, 100% core recovery was ensured when drilling an exploratory well.
Feedback from BSK GRAND LLC on coring at an exploration well: 111 m were drilled with coring, core recovery was 100%. Coring equipment produced by “BURINTEKH”, Ltd can be used in the future in the construction of wells with core recovery.
At the facilities of LLC "Rospan-International" the engineering and technological service “BURINTEKH”, Ltd performed coring services using coring equipment of its own production. The work was done with high quality, without deviations.
Development of coring equipment and technology
Isolated Core Recovery in Surgutneftegaz with “BURINTEKH”, Ltd Coring tools
An integrated approach to the coring process is the key to success!
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