Eighth All-Russian semi-marathon with simultaneous start “ZaBeg.RF”

On May 19, the All-Russian semi-marathon with simultaneous start – “Zabeg.RF” - took place. In Ufa, more than 3,000 people took part in the event; several distances were prepared for them, and the routes ran past the iconic sights of the city.

32 runners from “BURINTEKH”, Ltd took part in the semi-marathon. Our colleagues showed decent times at various distances, entering the top ten at a distance of 5 kilometers. Race participants received a T-shirt with the symbols of the event and a medal at the finish line.

  • Компания «БУРИНТЕХ» заинтересована в подготовке лучших студентов – буровиков Уфимского государственного нефтяного технического университета по дополнительным профессиональным программам.

  • A delegation from the Dongying Professional Institute visited “BURITEKH”, Ltd.

    The guests of the enterprise were introduced to the history of the company and the production of tri-cone bits