Компания «БУРИНТЕХ» заинтересована в подготовке лучших студентов – буровиков Уфимского государственного нефтяного технического университета по дополнительным профессиональным программам.
32nd International Specialized Exhibition “Gas. Oil. Technologies - 2024” was held from May 21 to 24 at the EXPO exhibition complex. This year the event brought together more than 300 companies from Russia, Belarus, China, Iran and Uzbekistan, becoming the largest in its long history. The exhibition is an opportunity to present advanced developments and products to potential customers. Also within the framework of the All-Russian Petroleum and Gas Chemical Forum, a number of business meetings and discussions of industry issues were held.
Scientific and Production Enterprise “BURINTEKH” also presented its developments. Guests of our exposition got acquainted with the company’s activities, learned about promising areas of work and achievements of the enterprise. “BURINTEKH” offers unique solutions for the oil and gas industry, including rock destruction tools, rotary-steerable systems and the only production of PDC cutters in Russia, which are being successfully put into operation today. The company's specialists presented the exhibition guests with a large list of manufactured tools and talked about the oilfield services rendered.
Компания «БУРИНТЕХ» заинтересована в подготовке лучших студентов – буровиков Уфимского государственного нефтяного технического университета по дополнительным профессиональным программам.