XI Winter Corporate Games took place in Ufa

XI Ufa Winter Corporate Ufa City Administration Cup Games were held on February 17-18. Sports fans from more than 30 enterprises from all over the republic gathered for the Games.

On February 17, the Semyon Elistratov Short Track Speed Skating Center hosted speed skating stages with relay elements and a curling competition. On February 18, stages of snow volleyball, ski relay, felt boots hockey and relay with paintball elements took place. As always “BURINTEKH”, Ltd team showed itself to be a united and strong team.

Corporate games are held with the aim of attracting working youth to an active lifestyle, as well as the formation of sports sections at city enterprises.

  • Компания «БУРИНТЕХ» заинтересована в подготовке лучших студентов – буровиков Уфимского государственного нефтяного технического университета по дополнительным профессиональным программам.

  • A delegation from the Dongying Professional Institute visited “BURITEKH”, Ltd.

    The guests of the enterprise were introduced to the history of the company and the production of tri-cone bits