Ufa State Petroleum Technological University is 75 years old!

The history of the development of the oil industry in the Republic of Bashkortostan is inextricably linked with the history of the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University. For 75 years Ufa State Petroleum Technological University has been preparing high-quality specialists in demand all over the world, being a major scientific and educational center of our region and country. The ceremonial events dedicated to the anniversary of the university took place on the first of December. On this day Ufa State Petroleum Technological University gathered honored guests - graduates, representatives of government agencies, partner companies and colleagues from near and far abroad countries. Ufa State Petroleum Technological University was congratulated by the General Director of “BURINTEKH”, Ltd, Doctor of Engineering Science, University Professor Gniyatulla Ishbaev:

– It is my privilege and proud to congratulate our dear university on such a beautiful date, 75 years. For BURINTEKH Ufa State Petroleum Technological University is like a native alma mater. We are the exact successors of probably the strongest school in the world - the Ufa bit school, the founders of which were A.I. Spivak, M.R. Mavlyutov, A.N. Popov, L.A. Alekseev and many, many scientists from our Ufa State Petroleum Technological University. Today we continue their work worthily; bits from the Ufa bit school are successfully performing not only in Russia, but also abroad. We wish our dear university further success, new scientific achievements, the creation of new scientific directions, schools, and as a gift we are giving equipment for two laboratories, one laboratory is equipped with MWD systems of our production “BITGEOCURS” so that students come to work at the well, understanding , what is telemetry, how to manage it. The second is a rock destruction laboratory, which we are retrofitting so that master’s students can conduct scientific research and improve the designs of future bits.

For many years “BURINTEKH”, Ltd has been conducting joint activities with Ufa State Petroleum Technological University in the field of training qualified personnel. On the basis of the enterprise there is industrial partnership department of “Well Construction” which is part of the Mining and Petroleum Faculty of Ufa State Petroleum Technological University. In gratitude for the work being done, the rector of Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Oleg Baulin, presented Gniyatulla Ishbaev with a diploma of an honored patron of the arts of Ufa State Petroleum Technological University.

  • Компания «БУРИНТЕХ» заинтересована в подготовке лучших студентов – буровиков Уфимского государственного нефтяного технического университета по дополнительным профессиональным программам.

  • A delegation from the Dongying Professional Institute visited “BURITEKH”, Ltd.

    The guests of the enterprise were introduced to the history of the company and the production of tri-cone bits