• Innovative technologies and experience of the oilfield services company BURINTEKH

    The article is given in Russian.
    «Бурение и Нефть» 04/2024

  • Problems of Gathering, Treatment and Transportation of Oil and Oil Products

    The article is given in Russian.
    «Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет» № 2 (148) 03/2024

  • Consideration of the reasons for decommissioning of roller cone bits

    The article is given in Russian.
    «Нефтяная провинция» № 1(37) 03/2024

  • Applicability of roller cone bits for drilling through interbedded rocks

    The article is given in Russian.
    «Нефтяная провинция» № 4(36) 12/2023

  • Development of a new type of milled teeth geometry roller bits.

    The article is given in Russian.
    «Бурение и Нефть» 11/2023

  • HYDROGEL – drilling mud for drilling horizons with no xanthan gum

    The article is given in Russian.
    «Бурение и Нефть» 09/2022

  • “BURINTEKH”, Ltd technologies for drilling in complex geological conditions

    The article is given in Russian.
    «Нефть.Газ.Новации» 1/2022

  • Thixotropic backfill material “BIT-Cem-Fix” for loss circulation control from “BURINTEKH”, Ltd

    The article is given in Russian.
    «Бурение и Нефть» 10/2021