One of the activities of “BURINTEKH”, Ltd is the production of equipment for sidetracking and well workover. A wide range of manufactured equipment and the ability to design tools for specific geological and technological conditions, allows effectively solving any assigned. All manufactured products are patented and certified in accordance with existing requirements.

  • Casing exit systems

    Комплекты технических средств для фрезерования «окна» в обсадной колонне
  • Open hole sidetacking systems

    Комплекты технических средств для зарезки бокового ствола в необсаженной скважине
  • Casing section milling tools

    Оборудование для фрезерования участков обсадных колонн
  • Mills

  • Reamer-bits

  • Inner hydromechanical pipe cutter TGMB

  • Pipe puncher

    Пробойники трубные
  • Special tools

    Специальный инструмент

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