Our bits have drilled more than 250 million meters over a quarter-century.

"BURINTEKH" - 25 years of sterling work

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registered in the Russian Federation and abroad
> 75 patents
implemented projects
wells drilled
> 7000
equivalent production per year
115000 units
highly qualified specialists
> 2300
Корпоративная программа НПП «БУРИНТЕХ» для студентов Уфимского государственного нефтяного технического университета.

Корпоративная программа НПП «БУРИНТЕХ» для студентов Уфимского государственного нефтяного технического университета.

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A delegation from the Dongying Professional Institute visited “BURITEKH”, Ltd.

A delegation from the Dongying Professional Institute visited “BURITEKH”, Ltd.

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The first successful experience of using GMB-178

At the Priobskoye field new equipment produced by “BURINTEKH”, Ltd, a hydraulic-mechanical shoe GMB-178, was run in hole. The first experience of use showed successful results.

Steerable drilling

RSS-GM-195 has no analogues in the world; more than 90% consists of Russian components. “BURINTEKH”, Ltd RSS project was implemented with the support of the Industrial Development Fund.

Well section with a length of more than
> 1900 meters was drilled during the tests
Diameter of applied bits
220,7 to 222,3 mm

Drillable system BIT-RZD

BIT-RZD system is designed to increase the efficiency of casing running to a given depth by reaming the wellbore followed by cementing through the system and drilling out using a rock destruction tool.

Shoe cutting structure
PDC cutters main advantage
No need to rotate the string

Roller calibrator

Roller calibrators - centralizers with replaceable sections are designed for use as part of the drill string to reduce the friction torque and vibration loads when the drill string contacts the borehole wall.

Features and benefits
Replaceable sections are recommended when drilling
Wells with complex geometries

Having large research facilities and high-tech equipment “BURINTEKH”, Ltd was able to find many unique solutions that have been widely implemented in the design of all types of manufactured products that ensure the achievement of the highest cost-performance ratio. Investments in research and development and close cooperation with customers allowed us to improve our products and expand our range.

One of the key focus areas of the department where the innovations are born – Development Center – is conducting advanced research and development, and improving cost-performance ratio of already produced tools.

“BURINTEKH”, Ltd having initially significant scientific potential and little production, has been developing thanks to innovations. The innovative approach allowed not only the dynamic development of the enterprise itself, in fact doubling the volume of production annually, but also changed the attitude of Russian drilling enterprises to the drilling process as a whole.

The scientific component plays a significant role in the activities of “BURINTEKH”, Ltd. The chief designer service pays great attention to research work aimed at improving the quality and performance of both manufactured products and newly developed ones. The research program includes the study of the processes of modeling the interaction of rock destruction elements with a rock. Such studies are carried out both on various test benches and by finite element analysis methods in appropriate software environments. The mathematical group conducts computer simulation of the hydraulics of drilling bit flushing systems, thermodynamic processes of manufacturing drilling tools, based on strength calculations. Much attention is paid to improving the quality of diamond tools, bench tests of which are carried out in a continuous mode. The tests of the cutters are carried out in the modes closest to the real work of the bit thanks to the original test method.

Over the years of work the Service has developed and implemented mud systems for drilling in various geological conditions in the regions for the provision of services to support drilling muds, as well as a line of mud chemicals of own production.

Today “BURINTEKH”, Ltd produces PDC bits, tri-cone bits, impregnated bits and core bits, bicentric, sidetracking as well as special bits, underreamers and hole openers, core barrels, casing exit and casing section milling systems, workover mills, jars, MWD systems, BHA elements, casing mounting, chemicals for muds and backfill materials. Any development is created for specific tasks of a particular customer, implemented in production, allowing oil and gas workers to improve technical and economic indicators in the shortest possible time and find unique solutions to the most complex technological problems when drilling wells for various purposes.

The priority activity of “BURINTEKH”, Ltd is to ensure a high level of product and service quality. Quality Control Department today is an independent structural subdivision of the enterprise and is part of the Quality Service. The main tasks of the division are to prevent the production of products by the enterprise that do not meet the requirements of standards and specifications, approved samples, design and technological documentation, delivery terms and contracts, or incomplete products, as well as strengthening production discipline and increasing the responsibility of all production links for the quality of products. Control of raw materials, components, products supplied to the enterprise for the manufacture of products of the main production. Improvement and introduction of new operation practices including through the use of modern information technologies. Carrying out its activities in accordance with the standards, instructions of the IMS and other regulatory legal acts.

Positive experience accumulated over many years in providing services in various regions of the Russian Federation allows “BURINTEKH”, Ltd Drilling Department to take on work of any complexity and perform it efficiently, in full and on time, regardless of the remoteness of the objects. Competent engineering and technical personnel with vast field experience work runs out tools as efficiently as possible with the achievement of the best economic performance. A confirmation of the quality and efficiency of service support is the positive dynamics of its volumes. Today “BURINTEKH”, Ltd renders a wide range of services for engineering and technological support while drilling and workover of oil and gas wells using all types of manufactured tools.

Using “BURINTEKH”, Ltd services customers get the opportunity not create bits in reserve (especially during the period of autonomy), while the risks associated with late execution of an application for the purchase of bits, disruption of delivery or delivery of low-quality tools, are completely absent, as are the risks, associated with unskilled tool run.

Preserve the life and health of people working at the enterprise, ensure the safety of the population living in the regions where the company operates, protect society and the environment from risks in the field of industrial safety - these are one of the main values that “BURINTEKH”, Ltd is guided by in the implementation of production activities.

Since the establishment of the enterprise, work has been carried out to improve the culture of labor safety, the formation of a conscious attitude to safety issues, intolerance to violations. Moreover over the years the employees of the enterprise only become stronger in the desire to follow the best practices in the field of labor protection, industrial and environmental safety. Such an attitude is largely due to the personal commitment of the company's management to the principles of safety, the confidence that there can be no trifles in matters of safety. The arrangement of control and analysis of the results at all production sites is entrusted to the Health, Safety and Environment Department (HSE) - a team of specialists whose common goal is to completely eliminate accidents at work, to achieve a leading position among manufacturing enterprises in terms of key indicators in the field of labor protection, industrial and environmental safety.


Rock destruction tools

Coring tools

Sidetracking and workover tools

BHA elements



Casing mounting


PDC cutters


We render a wide range of services for engineering and technological support while drilling and workover of oil and gas wells using all types of manufactured tools.

We take work of any complexity and perform it qualitatively, in full and on time.

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